Cappuccino Reviews Articles - gives you the inside scope on all things cappuccino. With reviews of our favourite cappuccinos, best coffee shops in town and latest articles.

How to make a great cappuccino

Cappuccino is a rich, dark coffee whose recipe originated in Italy. The name cappuccino actually comes from the resemblance of its color to the robes of the monks of the Capuchin order. The article describes how to make cuppicinnos at home.

History of a Cappuccino

Cappuccino was discovered in 1683 by Marco d'Aviano who defeated the turk army and sweetend the coffee left behind with milk and honey.

Healthy Iced Cappuccino Recipes

Home made Iced Cappuccinos are low in FAT and a great alternative to buying expensive coffee shop Iced Cappuccinos. I hope these two recipes will be helpful.

Cappuccino Muffins

Muffins! This delicacy originally from the United States are decidedly now everywhere to be fund around the planet, for the very pleasure of consumers and caf goers. Is this the result of globalisation? May be.